Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime
When their late police captain gets linked to drug cartels, wisecracking Miami cops Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett embark on a dangerous mission to clear his name.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime
When their late police captain gets linked to drug cartels, wisecracking Miami cops Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett embark on a dangerous mission to clear his name.
Released 2024-06-07
Box Office Results
Weeks in Domestic Theaters: 13 (6/7/2024 - 8/30/2024)
Worldwide Sales: $404,550,184
Domestic Sales: $193,573,217
Weeks in Domestic Theaters
(6/7/2024 to 8/30/2024)
Worldwide Sales
Domestic Sales
Performance on Streaming
Weeks Bad Boys: Ride or Die ranked among top 10 in the U.S. across all streaming platforms:
Oct 7, 2024: 13.72 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix)
Oct 14, 2024: 7.27 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix)
Oct 21, 2024: 3.63 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix)
Weeks Bad Boys: Ride or Die ranked among top 10 worldwide on Netflix:
Oct 7, 2024: 20.20 million hours streamed worldwide (10,400,000 views)
Oct 14, 2024: 10.60 million hours streamed worldwide (5,500,000 views)
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