

Animation, Comedy, Family, Musical
In a city of humanoid animals, a hustling theater impresario's attempt to save his theater with a singing competition becomes grander than he anticipates even as its finalists find that their lives will never be the same.


Animation, Comedy, Family, Musical
In a city of humanoid animals, a hustling theater impresario's attempt to save his theater with a singing competition becomes grander than he anticipates even as its finalists find that their lives will never be the same.
Released 2016-10-21
Box Office Results
Worldwide Sales: $634,151,679
Domestic Sales: $270,395,425
Worldwide Sales
Domestic Sales
Performance on Streaming
Weeks Sing ranked among top 10 in the U.S. across all streaming platforms:
Sep 30, 2024: 5.78 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix)
Oct 7, 2024: 8.23 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix / Peacock)
Oct 14, 2024: 6.83 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix / Peacock)
Oct 21, 2024: 5.73 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix / Peacock)
Oct 28, 2024: 5.33 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix / Peacock)
Nov 4, 2024: 4.35 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix / Peacock)
Feb 3, 2025: 2.42 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix)
Feb 10, 2025: 3.53 million hours streamed in the U.S. (Netflix)
Weeks Sing ranked among top 10 worldwide on Netflix:
Oct 3, 2022: 8.42 million hours streamed worldwide
Oct 10, 2022: 12.31 million hours streamed worldwide
Oct 17, 2022: 7.30 million hours streamed worldwide
Oct 24, 2022: 5.42 million hours streamed worldwide
Jan 2, 2023: 9.56 million hours streamed worldwide
Jan 9, 2023: 10.40 million hours streamed worldwide
Jan 16, 2023: 7.09 million hours streamed worldwide
Jan 23, 2023: 5.32 million hours streamed worldwide
Jul 10, 2023: 6.50 million hours streamed worldwide
Sep 23, 2024: 5.80 million hours streamed worldwide
Sep 30, 2024: 10.00 million hours streamed worldwide
Oct 7, 2024: 11.10 million hours streamed worldwide
Oct 14, 2024: 10.60 million hours streamed worldwide
Oct 21, 2024: 10.70 million hours streamed worldwide
Oct 28, 2024: 9.80 million hours streamed worldwide
Nov 4, 2024: 7.60 million hours streamed worldwide
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