Michael Caine, the beloved British and now-retired actor, recently reminisced about a memorable encounter with a young Tom Cruise nearly four decades ago. The moment occurred at a film event for the classic ‘80s movie and British comedy-drama Educating Rita, which earned The Prestige star a BAFTA nomination in 1983. Around the same time, the Top Gun actor was gaining significant attention for his breakout role in Risky Business, where his iconic dance scene solidified him as a rising Hollywood star. And it sounds like Caine's run-in with Cruise left quite an impression.
In a recent feature from The Sunday Times, the former Alfred Pennyworth performer shared his reflections on his storied career, his working-class roots and more. Of course, also mentioned was the profound effect of his brief meeting with The Mission: Impossible star. In an excerpt from his memoir, The Cider House Rules actor, now 91, recalls turning to find a polite, earnest young actor beside him. Cruise, then only about 21, was already displaying the determination and dedication that would fuel his future success. Caine recalls:
The brief encounter underscores the Cocktails star’s early focus on longevity in Hollywood and the Batman Begins veteran’s instinctive ability to recognize potential. At that time, the Tenet star had already established himself, crushing it in comedy roles and dramatic parts. By this time, he had already starred in flicks like Alfie, Zulu and The Italian Job, while Cruise was on the cusp of stardom, just about to become one of Hollywood’s biggest names.
The conversation, Sir Michael Caine reflects, also touched on what it takes to maintain a career in an industry notorious for its fleeting success. He continued:
The Jaws: Revenge veteran has witnessed Hollywood’s shifts over the decades and sees the Jerry McGuire actor as a rare example of lasting stardom. In the Sunday Times feature, the two-time Oscar winner reflects on how the nature of celebrity has changed, noting the scarcity of “true stars” who can still draw audiences purely with their name. For Sir Caine, who rose to fame alongside legends like Humphrey Bogart and Cary Grant, Cruise is a throwback to that Golden Age—not just an action star but a performer whose presence alone fills theaters, an increasingly rare phenomenon.
While Michael Caine appears committed to his retirement—meaning no 2024 movie releases—Tom Cruise, at 62, continues to dominate the box office. In 2022, Top Gun: Maverick shattered records and, although Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning fell short of box office expectations, fans can look forward to Ethan Hunt’s return in the upcoming M:I 8, which is scheduled for the 2025 movie release schedule.
You can read all about Michael Caine’s incredible career in his forthcoming memoir, Don't Look Back, You'll Trip Over: My Guide to Life, which is currently available for preorder.