Christopher Nolan's Adapting The Odyssey, And As A Literature Fan, I'm So Hyped

Posted 12/27/2024 from Cinema Blend

If you have seen any movie, or read any book, about someone undergoing harsh challenges trying to return home, then you know about The Odyssey. It is the textbook representation of the hero’s journey. And while it has been adapted to a film a few times prior, director Christopher Nolan is taking a crack at it, and as a classical literature fan I am so excited.

Christopher Nolan has been hinting for a while that he has a new project in the works, and the day before Christmas Eve, THR revealed that Christopher Nolan’s next film will be an adaptation of The Odyssey. The post also included some of the cast members that will star in the movie; one of the cast members being Tom Holland, which now gives us some context for his earlier hint of being part of a Nolan movie.

For those who don’t know, The Odyssey is a Homeric poem about the King of Ithaca Odysseus and it follows his journey home from the Trojan war, following the events of The Iliad. The story itself is seen as an incredible work of literature. Following this announcement, there was some discourse on social media about how more people should know about The Odyssey because it is such an influential piece of literature. But this isn’t the first instance of the story coming into the mainstream and reaching a higher audience than just literature fans and those who like Greek mythology.

Epic The Musical, is a nine saga passion project to adapt The Odyssey to music. Created by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, the final album was released on Christmas day. Since its release it managed to be the top album on iTunes, pushing Wicked to number two. There was also as another adaptation called The Return that was released in December 2024. Between Nolan and Rivera-Herrans we’re seeing something of a renaissance when it comes to adaptations of classic literature, and Nolan’s adaptation is bringing far more attention to The Odyssey, and classic literature as a whole.

Tom Holland as Spider-Man in

(Image credit: Sony Pictures Entertainment)

As someone whose major included classic literature, I’m very excited for what this means for the entertainment industry. These stories have stood the test of time, spanning from when everything was solely given by oration with many translations and interpretations across the years. While it is a shame more people do not know about it, and more schools do not have it in its curriculum; there is no better way to bring the larger community than the director of Oppenheimer and The Dark Knight, two different stories both about the indomitable human spirit. As well as a brilliant musician who has been sharing his passion for music and the story to the greater public, while also acting as some good homework for those who do not know The Odyssey and would like to know more about it, before Nolan's movie drops.

It is my hope, knowing Nolan’s repertoire, that he will have a good adaptation that does not shy from some of the darker tones of the larger tale. Some fans have critiques of the current given cast list, but time will tell what role each actor will undertake, and I am holding hope for the theatrical release. As of right now, it is projected to release some time in 2026 as production will start in 2025, so keep an eye on us as more and more information comes to light.

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