Being a famous actor looks like it’s usually pretty glamorous, but it can also involve a lot of hard work. Being an action hero means a lot of working out to remain in top physical condition. Of course, other roles require very different sorts of transformations, that both the stars and their families then have to deal with. Such was the case for Mark Wahlberg’s newest movie, Flight Risk. Wahlberg didn't have to hit the gym, but he did shave his head. The look has certainly evoked a response, but none can match the one from Wahlbeg's own wife.
Mark Wahlberg is no stranger to having to go through physical transformations for some of his roles. The actor is known to be something of a workout aficionado, but he has gained weight when necessary for the part he is playing. His new movie,Flight Risk sees him play the movie’s villain, and it also sees his character suffering from significant hair loss. Wahlberg tells Extra this sent his wife, model Rhea Durham, into hiding when she first saw it. He said…
She dove under the covers, bro. She was like ‘Aaah, get out of here,’ but then she got used to it. She thought it was cool after a while
It’s maybe not that surprising that Wahlberg’s wife was shocked by his look for Flight Risk. He didn’t simply shave his head. He’s not bald in the movie. Instead, he just looks like a guy who has lost most of his hair naturally. The actor has pretty impressive hair naturally, so seeing him like this is a true shock. It makes him look significantly older and it just looks...wrong.
The fact that he shaved his head to achieve the look meant that he and his family had to simply deal with the look for the duration of production. Walhberg says he could have used makeup and prosthetics to achieve the look, but didn’t want to spend hours in the makeup chair every morning. For him, it was just simpler and easier to shave his head.
Mark Wahlberg isn’t necessarily the next Daniel Day-Lewis or Gary Oldman, actors who can transform themselves so much that they don’t even look like the same person from one movie to the next. Still, his willingness to go through such a real physical change is impressive. He, and his family, certainly went through a lot.
On the plus side, it's great news that Wahlberg's wife got over her initial problems with her bald husband, and even eventually grew to like the look. This means that if the actor ends up looking like this in real life after a couple of decades, it should all work out.