Harrison Ford Praises His Indiana Jones Body Double ‘You Don’t Need Artificial Intelligence’

Posted 02/11/2025 from Cinema Blend

For those who don’t know, back in December of 2024, Bethesda the company that is behind Fallout released a video game for the Indiana Jones franchise. The game itself does not have Harrison Ford playing the titular character, but instead Troy Baker. When asked about his opinions of having a body and face double, Ford had an interesting take to share.

When you think about the character of Indiana Jones, you immediately think of Harrison Ford. For Bethesda’s video game Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, the body double that is used for the game is played by voice actor Troy Baker. Baker is best known as the voice actor for Joel in The Last of Us video game. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, on the subject of his body double for the game, Ford had this to say:

You don't need artificial intelligence to steal my soul. You can already do it for nickels and dimes with good ideas and talent. He did a brilliant job, and it didn't take AI to do it.

The Great Circle takes place in 1937 which is one year after the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark, so the game itself has no sway on the ending of Dial of Destiny. But that also means that we need a younger Indiana Jones, and rather than de-aging Harrison Ford like in the movie, someone who looked similar to him was chosen in its stead. Back when the first trailer was released, “old Indiana” was already praised to look better than what we saw in Dial of Destiny, which in fairness did look good.

Aside from the aesthetics, The Great Circle shows some choices opportunities that the franchise can incorporate on the big screens and possibly streaming services. Bakers’ performance as Indy shows that the franchise itself doesn’t have to stop with Ford; and as stated by the man himself, Ford doesn’t think AI and de-aging is needed to keep the character alive.

This isn’t the first time for Ford that someone else would have to play a younger version of a character of his. Ford sang his praises for Alden Ehrenreich’s portrayal of young Han Solo in Solo: A Star Wars Story. He previously gave the advice to those who are going to play Han Solo to “make it your own”, so Ford has a history of supporting actors and giving his praises to their portrayal of his iconic characters.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is currently available on Xbox and PC, with a port for the PS5 in the spring. And all the movies, including Dial of Destiny, is available for streaming with a Disney+ subscription.

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